My mum is going to move out of her house, and has asked us if we would like some of her furniture because she doesn’t need it any more. She’s got a large chest of drawers, two bedside tables, three double wardrobes and a bucket chair. We’ve said yes please to all of them and when can we hire the van?
She’s happy for us to paint or stain any and all of the items, and we’ve said we’d like to chop the wardrobes up as Barry feels like he could have a good crack at built-in wardrobes for our room, and she’s happy for us to do that as well! Score!
There’s a couple of places in our bedroom where we could have built-in wardrobes, but they’re in the eaves so they’re expensive to buy and get fitted. Better Barry has a go at it first!
Happy birthday to Barry! Katheryn’s boots didn’t fit, so cross your fingers my Supergirl boots hold tonight…
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