Not our nursery this time, but the nursery where we shall be depositing our child until I finish work. We’ve had a few settling in sessions now, and Scarlett seems to be taking them better than me.
The first one was just for half an hour and I called after 20 minutes to see if she was ok. The second one, Barry found me crying and washing up (unrelated) when I’d dropped her off for a two-hour stint. Scarlett didn’t cry, she’s made of sterner stuff. Obviously gets that from her father.
The third session didn’t go quite as well, but I’m hoping it was a blip.
I can’t believe I’m back at work in two weeks, this time has flown by; it doesn’t feel like I’ve been “off” since last Christmas. I’m saying “off” in quotation marks because it’s been the hardest, but most rewarding work I’ve ever done. Non-stop, tiring, draining, emotional, hilarious, special, unforgettable work that’s made me question everything (what did they do before Google?) and been a huge learning curve.
And even though I’m a wimp myself, I’m so proud that Scarlett didn’t cry at nursery the first couple of times she went. Little soldier. Sob.